Since becoming president, he has done the following:
- Gone on the Obama's apology tour
- passed the bailout package that sent us into depression
- passed the cash for clunkers program
- bought out banks
- appointed thieves and socialists and communists as czars
- told Israel to stop building on their own land
- has not taken a firm stance against russia, iran, or Venezuela
- has attempted to put the ex-president of honduras back in power
- has tried to pass the medical reform bill that nobody wants
- has used the race card twice and insulted the harvard police by calling them stupid.
- has had one beer summit
- Has called patriotic Americans terrorist and cowards
- has all but ignored the general on the ground in Afghanistan
- has tried to get the olympics and failed
- has fired one Inspector general for accusing his friend of fraud.
- has broken laws that he himself has signed.
- has buddied up to hugo chavez and fidel castro
- is engaged in destroying our way of life.
It leads to an interesting question: What is the criteria for getting a Nobel Peace Prize? Is it selling out your country, or using your race to accuse everyone else to being racist, or maybe even running roughshod over the constitution?
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