Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Maybe the sysem needs to be reformed

There comes a time in each person's life, when they wake up and realize that a strong federal and state government, along with it's supporting/leaching agencies, are sapping individual freedoms and destroying families.

Don't get me wrong, I'm a strong supporter of a system that looks out for children, but when that system starts abusing it's power, then that system needs to be reformed.

An agency which purports to think about children and their wellbeing, but doesn't actually talk to the children, and show them some comfort, needs to be rethought, reimagined, and given some humanity.  I think that people that work for said agency should be parents, and should have at least have raised one child.  I would think that having raised a child would make it easier to think like a parent, and a parent could easily spot things which would stand out from the ordinary, take for instance, druggie parents that feed their kids only junk food, or leave needles laying around, or kids that are always wearing long pants and shirts, to hide bruises.

Maybe said system should be based out of the church, and not the state, because when you don't think like christ, then you don't really see evil anywhere, and everything becomes subjective.  Maybe I'm rambling, but then maybe I have a right to, either read this, or not, I don't care.

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