Monday, May 02, 2011

Osama Bin Laden dead. (Or is he?)

My wife woke me up at 12 am, asking, "Are you awake enough to hear the radio?"  Between my mumbling, she cryptically said, "Because if it's true, Obama just got re-elected."  Needless to say, I groggily came around, wondering if I'd missed time and it was 2012 already.  Instead, I heard that US Forces in Pakistan had just Killed Osama Bin Laden.
My first thought was, "Damned, now he won't get to stand trial or spend time in G'Tmo."  Then I kind of thought about it, and maybe it's for the best.  I know that the families of 9/11 won't be happy that they didn't get to stone him, but justice was served.  Then later, somewhere around 2am, I heard that the World's most wanted man was given a full military funeral at sea, and I was like, "What the hell?  Since when do we honor terrorists so?"  When they mentioned it was in accordance with Muslim law, I couldn't believe it.
Bin Laden had orchestrated the death of 3000 people, sent us into two stupid wars, got our brave soldiers killed, and he gets a full military funeral at sea?

If you are thinking that Obama might get re-elected.  Don't fret, it's a year and 5 months until the next election, and the way Obama is going, most of us will forget that Bin Laden is dead by then, and we'll be backto concentrating on the spiraling debt, the massive entitlements, and other things, and Bin Laden will still be sitting at the bottom of the ocean, being chewed on by sand crabs.

It's sad, but it seems like some people just won't listen, because the easiest way to win this war, and yes it's a war against Islam, is to destroy mecca, Medina, and let the Israeli's blow the hell out of the al-asqa mosque that stands on the site of Solomon's temple.

I find it just a bit odd, but so far, Obama has gotten us into two more wars, one in Libya, and maybe one in Pakistan by invading countries that haven't touched us or attacked us.  So much for the idiot in chief's promise to bring troops home.

By the way, I have a message for the US Forces that killed Bin Laden.  "Way to go, guys, YOU ROCK!!!"

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