Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Rumor: Congress and Obama to shut down conservative Talk Radio

I have heard this rumor that the new administration might be trying to get enough votes together to stifle the conservative voices on talk radio. The way of doing this is the so-called "Fairness Doctrine."

"What is the fairness doctrine?" you ask. Quiet simply, it is a set of rules by which you have to balance out your reporting. Take for instance a radio talk host who speaks out against what he or she perceives to be unfair practices by the government. The fairness doctrine forces him to have an alternative viewpoint as well, or he can't broadcast his views. Further case in point, the hypothetical host calls a democrat (For instance: Geitner, the new secretary of the Treasury,) a thief and a moron. Under the fairness doctrine, the host has to have either Geitner or another democrat on, for balance of course, and if nobody will come on and discuss the accusation, or defend the person, then the host can not discuss this.

A second rumor has it that employees of the Federal Communication Commission have already threatened to walk out if the fairness doctrine is passed, since in their opinion, it will stifle free speech.

If these rumors are true, then our beloved federal government will be in violation of the first amendment, which states, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

What this means is that the government can not ever point at a sovereign citizen of the United States of America and say, "You have to shut up, or you'll go jail."

If this rumor turns out to be true, the FCC, with President Obama at the helm will in direct violation of the constitution. If they do indeed start stripping away the rights of individuals to speak freely, then where could they conceivably stop? Would your home be taken away? Could you be put in jail for speaking out against what you consider to be wrong?

In my opinion, this all started when the political correctness was mandated by some person who didn't want to get his feelings hurt, and will stop, (thought I hope not,) with the only people who can speak free, being those who kiss the government's butt.

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