I've heard yet another rumor. This one goes something like, "They are trying to take away our guns by taxing ammunition so high that you can't afford it."
If this rumor is true, this is the left's way of trying to take away our second amendment rights. The second amendment states: "A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
Now you might ask what constitutes a militia, and I'll be happy to tell you what it is, at least according to the founding fathers.
In the days before the United States Armed forces, each state was responsible for setting up it's own state militia, and these militia's were made up of farmers, ranchers, and townspeople, who kept their own rifles and pistols over the doors of the house.
You have to realize that in the days before the United states, King George ruled the colonies and his army was the strongest army in the world, and the colonists didn't even have the right to defend themselves from that army.
The first militia's were those set up in the thirteen colonies, and those were the ones that pushed the British out of the newly founded country.
My take on what constitutes a modern militia may be different from some peoples. A modern militia should be armed with nothing more than shotguns, hunting rifles, and pistols. Personally, I don't think you or I should own a machine gun and keep it in our house, because after all, you don't exactly need one for hunting ducks or deer.
What do I think we should do, if the government comes after us? Then, I think we can take our pistols and rifles and defend our houses. In Texas, if anyone tries to break into my house, I can shoot him and then call the Law Enforcement Officers. It's called the castle law. After they've entered my house, I can, of course, take and keep their weapon, once it comes back from the police station.
Now, if the military were stupid enough to listen to the Government and attack American Citizens, then they'd be killed in the fire and we'd be justified to take their weapons and use them in defense of our freedom.
Of course, the Armed forces are forbidden to attack American Citizens, and can't even lift a gun to shoot illegal immigrants crossing the borders. Not only would be attacking American Citizens be violating the Constitution, it would be violating our civil rights. In that case, we'd have no choice but to go to the source of the problem and put people with common sense in charge again.
American Soldiers do have to keep in mind, that they have sworn to uphold the Constitution and follow the lawful orders of the officers that are above them in the chain of command. That only includes the military officers and the President, but not any single congressman or senator.
What would I do if they tried to take my Constitutional rights away? I'd fight for my rights, with every fiber of my being.
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